We exist to bring glory to God, making disciples who make disciples in Oradea and to the ends of the earth, proclaiming the Gospel to them and teaching them everything that Christ commanded us! ”
The Gospel is the good news of what Jesus Christ has accomplished on our behalf before an infinitely perfect and holy God. We were all sinners by nature and by choice, engaging in our own personal actions in rebellion against God.
But before we were able or willing to act, Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, came into the world to take the punishment for our sins. Jesus perfectly succeeded in this goal, having the wrath of God poured out on Him as He died upon the cross. Jesus completely bought our salvation for us before we even existed.
While the Father has planned this in eternity past, and Jesus accomplished this salvation over 2,000 years ago, the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, applies the finished work of Christ in our lives at an appointed time. The Holy Spirit awakens our hearts in His time to the realities of this holy God and the good news of His work.
We were born again and made spiritually alive, causing us to believe in His message, and come to repent of our sins and trust in God alone. Because we are saved by faith and not by our own works, God will never leave or abandon us. Our new status before God was not made by our actions, but by His mercy.
Having been born again and raised to life in Christ, believers live in ways that are quite different from the rest of the world. Even if we make mistakes and fall back into sin, God's love for us remains. We are His children. He redeemed us with His own blood.
The Gospel is the good news of God showing Love and Mercy towards all who repent and believe in Jesus Christ. The Gospel contains essential points of belief: God creating man upright, man willfully rebelling against God, and God pursuing man for redemption. This redemption was accomplished by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christ died on the cross in our place and all who believe in Him will have eternal joy with God and His people.
We believe that the Holy Spirit changes hearts and minds through the preaching of God's Word.
We are dedicated to preaching from the Bible to all, so that each may teach and disciple others around them the full Gospel.
what should you expect?
We believe that the church is similar to a hospital and not at all like a museum. We don't expect perfect people to come. So if you are a sinner, welcome!
We want to invite those who are spiritually sick and those who understand their need for change to join with us and to discover full forgiveness and a new life in Christ!